Mistakes are mistakes that are made to civilian person or property. Mistakes can be classified into unintentional error or deliberate. Examples of error was unintentional negligence or malpractice. Malpractice is negligence committed by a professional like a nurse or doctor. Deliberate mistakes are intentional acts that violate the rights of a person. For example, harassment, beating, blasphemy, or a personal invasion.
Difference depends on the actions or neglect involved in the issue of "medical science or art requiring special skills that are not dimilki ordinary people," or even can be understood on the basis of individual experience every day on the jury. If needed a professional opinion from an expert with specialized skills and knowledge, theory of malpractice is more effective than ordinary negligence.
Failure is an inappropriate behavior, standard of care. Malpractice occurs when nursing care is not appropriate to require the safe nursing practice. There need be no intent, an omission can occur. Omission established by law for the protection of others against the risk of danger that should not be. This is characterized by ketidakperhatian, concerns or lack of attention. Negligence or malpractice can include carelessness, such as not checking arm bandage that allow for the wrong medication. However, carelessness is not always the cause. If nurses do procedures where they have been trained and done carefully, but still dangerous to the client, can be made guidance negligence or malpractice. If nurses provide care that is not in accordance with the standards, they can be considered negligent. Because of these actions carried out by professional nurses, nurse negligence is malpractice.
Nurses have been involved in many negligent acts or professional malpractice, for example:
1. intravenous therapy errors that cause infiltration or flebitis.
2. burns on the client because of heat therapy that is not appropriate monitoring.
3. falls that cause injury to the client.
4. errors using aseptic technique when necessary.
5. error count sponges, instruments, or needles in the case of the operation.
The nurse must do all the major procedures. They also have to use a professional assessment when they run the program physician and also an independent nursing therapy where their authority. Every nurse who does not meet the standards of practice or treatment that is acceptable or recklessly risk his job is considered negligent. Because malpractice is negligence related to professional practice, the following criteria must be upheld in malpractice lawsuit against a nurse:
1. nurses (defendant) owed duties to the client (plaintiff).
2. nurses did not perform the task or violates maintenance tasks.
3. injury clients.
4. both actual and possible causes of harm clients are the result of the failure of nurses to perform tasks.
Lately lawsuits against doctors and nurses with the charges of malpractice is increasing everywhere, including in our country. This indicates an increase in awareness of public law, where the public is more aware of the obligation and professional duty to be more careful and responsible. In developed countries the three major medical specialist demands becomes the main target of impropriety in practice, the surgeon, anesthesia and obstetrics and contain the disease.
Although the Law No. 6 in 1963 about the health worker was revoked by the Law No. 23 year 1992 about health, but the formulation of malpractice / medical negligence tercanutm in article 11b can still be used as follows: without prejudice to the provisions in the Criminal Code and the regulations other legislation, then the health worker can do administrative actions in the case as follows:
1. neglect of duty.
2. Doing something that does not should not be done by a health worker, both given the oath of office, and sworn in as health workers.
Nursing service in the future must be able to provide the consumer minded in nursing pelayana received. This is based on "trends" of the current volatility and the increasingly tight competition. Therefore, nurses nurses are expected to define, implement and measure the difference that nursing practice must be as an indicator of people's needs are met will the professional health services in the future. Meanwhile, nursing service in the future is unclear, then the professional nurse in the future must be able to provide a positive impact on the quality of health care systems in Indonesia. There are 4 things that should be the primary concern of nursing in Indonesia:
1. Understand and apply the role of nurses
2. Commitment to nursing identity
3. Attention to changes and trends to the public health service
4. commitment to meet the demands of the health care system challenges through the efforts of creative and innovative.
Indonesian nurses in the future should be able to provide nursing care nursing process approach to evolve with the development of science and technology and public demands, so that nurses are required to answer and anticipate the impact of the change.
Nurses can reduce their chances of lawsuits affected by following standard of care, providing competent health care, and develop empathic relationships with clients. In addition, the documentation carefully, complete, and serves as evidence of objective standards of nursing care provided. Documentation in a timely and honest is important to provide the necessary communication between healthcare team members. Documentation used in many ways that benefit the client and show that nurses are effective caregivers. Good documentation also maintain other health care providers who have new knowledge about the latest actions that the client received constant care given safely.
Nurse-client relationship is very important, not only in ensuring quality of care but also in minimizing legal risks. Mutual trust established between the nurse and client. Clients who believe that the nurses do their job properly and pay attention to their welfare may be frustrated to start a legal case against the nurses. Sincere care for clients is an important role nurses and a risk-management tools effectively. However, the treatment will not completely protect the nurse if there is negligence practice. When the client injury, examination of the events could have implications for the nurse even if the client feel good about them.
Fortescue, E.B., et al.(2003). Prioritizing Strategies for Preventing Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Events in Pediatric Inpatients, Pediatrics, American Academy of Pediatrics, Vol. III. No. 4 April, p.722-729.
KepMenKes RI Nomor 26 MenKes/Per/1981, Departemen Kesehatan RI, Jakarta
Anonim,. (2009). Washington DC Nursing Negligence.http://nursingnegligence.net/. 14 April 2010.
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