Stop smoked?? Could or not??? Why not, none was impossible. Although many people who said if didn’t smoke as eating rice without salt. Although having one thousand one beautiful reasons and being glad him smoked. Continue to be able to not eliminate substances that was contained.
by cigarettes that were very dangerous for health. How friends?? The life is choice. Will be wiser if the opportunity that only very much this was maximised with everything that was useful and significant. From several researches always was found that 70-80 percent of the smoker had the wish to stop smoked. There are those that has three to four times tried, but were not yet successful also. Here I wanted to give you three tricks or method to quit smoking and being easy to be carried out.
First you must intended seriously that you want to quit smoking. You can do said to himself that we stopped smoked and we lived healthy. For example you said occurred again ‘I WANT TO STOP SMOKING’ Say repeatedly posibbility with the feeling. The example while united the hands on the chest close to the lungs. After that, imagined this intention not in words. But, imagined the incident that I stopped smoked and I lived healthy because did not smoke again. Imagine what was obtained by living healthy without cigarettes. The process of affirmation and imagined this must be carried out by five times a day and minimal for 21 days. "However, before carrying him, the body and our thoughts out must in the pleasant and calm situation." The wave of the brain was in the wave alfa, where the brain felt relaxed and relaxed. This process undertook two functions of the brain. The left brain that in part functioned for the analysis and the language was united with the creative function and the imagination from the right brain. By uniting the second function this brain, ordered that was delivered to ourselves 10 through to 60 times were faster until.
The second trick, You can change your schedule time of smoking to another activity. Like ready on your bag or pouch another meal or you can do phisycal exercise. For example after eating you could digest peppermints or cover food, before you remember cigarette or you want to smoke. But you must careful choose candy not contents nikotin. It’s not easy indeed but when being carried out with the determination was full then can be carried out by you. And then you can do phisycal exercise like sport. This activity will make your body healthier and helped issued the toxin and the bad material material from cigarettes left the body moreover when sport was carried out in the environment that often had the person so as you could socialise also.
The final trick to quit smoking you can use Pharmacology therapy. Possibly still a little people that knew that having Pharmacology therapy or by taking medicine, the habit smoked could be reduced and even stopped. But don’t forget to choose a good medicine, you can look there are or not received permission from the Department of Health, It’s very important. Why…??? Because now plenty of promising products could eliminate the habit smoked in fact the product or the medicine contained nicotine also. Only different type with cigarettes. Here I give recommendation to use “Varenicline”, this medicine based recommendation from tackling smoking agency in Indonesian. This medicine therapy was carried out in stages for the dose of early was enough consumption totalling 0,5 mg for several days. This medicine worked to the receptor where nicotine worked so as to be able to reduce the sign of addiction. Approximately in time 3 months then the cigarettes addict could stop smoked.
Finally if you want to quit smoking, you must strengthen your intent in himself stopping smoked. And then carried out various activities that could make you forget to suck cigarettes. After that you can use Pharmacology therapy to help or quit your habit smoking. If you wanted to stop smoked, you could do the methods or chose one of these methods that was regarded by you was easy and you could be carried out. But must be remembered all the methods above will be successful when indeed had the determination from yourself to stop smoked. It is hoped was successful.
Amstrong BK. (1984). Merokok dan Kesehatan. Jakarta.
Dube MF, Green CR. (1992). Methods of Collection of Smoke Analytical Purposes. Recent Advances in Tobacco Science.
Susanna, Dewi. dkk. (2003). Penentuan Kadar Nikotin Dalam Asap Rokok. Depok : Jurnal Universitas Indonesia.
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