The phenomenon was pregnant outside of marriage ....! This phenomenon become increased from day-to day. Why this can happen. One reason is the lack of knowledge about the child sex. This is supported by the reluctance of parents to provide sex education to their children. On the grounds that it was considered tabu to talk about. And this is very important for the children and have been inculcated to children early on. On the sheet of this independent task I will examine the importance of sex education. To prevent a variety of other irregularities.
Sex education is an information about human sexuality issues clearly and correctly, which includes the process of conception, pregnancy to birth, sexual behavior, sexual relationships, and health aspects, psychological and social. Problems of sex education is given proper relation with the norms prevailing in society, what is prohibited, what is usual and how to do it without violating the rules in force in the community.
Sex education is a way of teaching or education can help young people to face the problems of life which is based on sexual drive. Thus sexual education is intended to explain all things related to sex and sexuality in the form of a natural.
Sex education should be given early when children have begun asking about the sexual differences between himself and others, continuous and gradual, tailored to the needs and age of the child and the child's perception (in practical psychology, children, adolescents and families, 1991). In this case the ideal of sexual education was first provided by parents at home, considering that most knew it was the parents' own children. But unfortunately in Indonesia, not all parents would be open to children in talking about sex issues. Besides socio-economic level and the heterogeneous level of education in Indonesia caused some parents are willing and able to provide information about sex but more who can’t and does not understand the problem. In this case the role of education is enormous.
In the sex education of children, sex education is more directed as education about the anatomy of body organs, sex reproduction, sex intercourse and other aspects of sex behavior. Provide education to the baby, especially those still sitting on the Elementary School should be done with concrete language (not abstract) and operational. Before reaching the age of puberty, the things kids need to know is:
- The name and function of reproductive organs
- The changes that they would experience when going through puberty (characterized as a wet dream in men and menstruation in girls)
- menstrual problems (explained in accordance with the limits children's ability to accept)
- Sexual intercourse and pregnancy (Balance of moral education and sex with a strong religious)
- How to prevent pregnancies (Give a description of the impact, do not forget to include a moral element and religion)
- Masturbation (a normal thing, but given the limits on the child)
- The disease may be transmitted through sexual intercourse
- Hopes and values of parents (of the association, which may and should not be).
Sex education should still be given, in accordance with the level of child development, no other goal is to provide knowledge and open horizons of children and adolescents about sexual issues correctly and clearly. With proper sex education means to avoid children and adolescents from a variety of negative risk sexual behavior, such as pregnancy outside marriage, sex abuse and sexually transmitted diseases. In sex education to children, should use the actual term. Using the term exotic will only confuse the child. However, parents have their own reasons why the reluctance to discuss sexual issues with children. "They consider sex a taboo discussed openly. But do not forget, the kids can get this information from peers, which is not guaranteed the truth.
Urge or desire to have sex always appear in adolescents, therefore if there is no suitable distribution (married) there must be efforts to provide understanding and knowledge about it. The factors considered to play a role in the emergence of sexual problems in adolescents, according to Sarlito W. Sarwono (Adolescent Psychology, 1994) is as follows:
- hormonal changes that increase adolescent sexual desire. This hormone causes an increase adolescents need the distribution of certain forms of behavior
- Distribution can not be done because of the postponement of marriage, either by law because of the law on marriage, as well as social norms that more and more demanding requirements increasing for marriage (education, employment, mental preparation, etc.)
- religious norms in force, where one is forbidden to have sex before marriage. For teens who can not resist a tendency to break these things
- This tendency increased violations because of the spread of information and stimulation through the mass media that with the sophisticated technology (eg: VCD, stensilan books, photos, magazines, Internet , etc.) to be no longer be contained. Teenagers who are in a period of curiosity and wanted to try, will imitate what seen or heard from the media, because in general they have never know the complete sexual problems than their parents
- The parents themselves, either because of ignorance or because of his still mentabukan talk about sex with children, making them not open to children, and even tends to make the distance with children in this matter.
The growing tendency freely between men and women in society, as a result of the development and education role of women, so the status of women more equal with men. Basically sex education for children and adolescents is needed. Role of the parents who sued to introduce more dominant with age and development of the child to move on adolescent. Giving knowledge about adolescent sex risk-free, both psychologically and emotionally, and socially, will also help to avoid violations of the prevailing norms.
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