Senin, 04 Oktober 2010


“I'm fat. I'm too skinny. I'd be happy if I were taller, shorter, had curly hair, straight hair, a smaller nose, bigger muscles, longer legs”. Do any of these statements sound familiar? Are you used to putting yourself ?. Lots of people have trouble adjusting, and this can affect their self-esteem. Why Are Self-Esteem and Body Image Important?. Here, In individual task I want to explore about it and how to develop body image and self esteem.
Body image is a term which may refer to a person's perception of his or her own physical appearance, or the interpretation of the body by the brain. Essentially, body image describes how one perceives one's appearance to be to others, which in many cases may be dramatically different from one's objective physical condition or how one is actually perceived by others.
Body image involves our perception, imagination, emotions, and physical sensations of and about our bodies. It s not static- but ever changing; sensitive to changes in mood, environment, and physical experience. It is not based on fact. It is psychological in nature, and much more influenced by self-esteem than by actual physical attractiveness as judged by others. It is not inborn, but learned. This learning occurs in the family and among peers, but these only reinforce what is learned and expected culturally. Body image is how someone feels about his or her own physical appearance. For many people, especially those in their early teens, body image can be closely linked to self-esteem. That's because as kids develop into teens, they care more about how others see them.
Self-esteem is all about how much people value themselves, the pride they feel in themselves, and how worthwhile they feel. Self-esteem is important because feeling good about yourself can affect how you act. A person who has high self-esteem will make friends easily, is more in control of his or her behavior, and will enjoy life more.
Body image there are positive and build, there are unisex which is negative and destructive. Body image positively will bring someone to life a successful and happy afterlife, otherwise negative body image would destroy people's lives and bring misery to live in the world and the Hereafter . Self-image plays an important role in one's life, among other
• Body image is the blueprint of one's life, he will live his life according to the mental picture that is in the image of himself
• Preview mental at cerebration subconscious someone tends reincarnate in the other tangible
• Caracter person is limited by the image of himself, he will never exceed the limits boundaries depicted in the mind subconsciously
• Body image negative take someone to ruin
• Body image positive carry seseoran to victory and success
• Body image negative attract negative element into the life of someone
• Body image positively attract positive element into the life of someone
Negative Body-image is the image and assuming a person about himself that is negative. Body-image negative grow within one's self from environment effect, other people or past experiences that made an impression on him. In the area of environmental poor parents often growth mind the negative to the son of his daughter. When a child is delivered dreams or desires to his parents so his parents said: "We are the hard, the destitute, we can not get what you want it. We not deserve all that. We have enough to live like this ". If the words parents who repeatedly was recorded and embedded in the mind subconscious for children in so it could established body-image the children. He has made the image and limit restrictions on him that he was a poor, troubled and impoverished, it is impossible to achieve success or success in life. Limitation of these restrictions will become a blueprint of life for the next. He'll never be able to go beyond that boundary. Changing your self-image that has been implanted in a person requires effort persistent and very real. The characteristics of people who have negative self-image in general, among others:
• Feel inferior, consider themselves useless and does not mean the middle of society. Feel its presence is not needed by the community and the environment.
• Feeling unworthy or the right to have or get something
• Feeling too young or old to do something
• Feeling hated and disliked by the environment and the surrounding
• Feel inadequate and always worried a failure and ridicule from those around him
• Feeling less education than others
• Lack the drive and zest for life, not daring to start something new, always worried about making mistakes and laugh at people

Positive body-image is the perception or image of a person about himself that is positive. Generally since the children their parents had instilled the value of positive values into the mind of children. Not all people who live among the poor people have negative body-image. Among them are some who instilled by his parents the value of positive values with the words: "... You have to achieve victory, ... you must be rich .... You have to improve our situation ... you have to generate stem submerged ..." and so forth. This is what led to the emergence of the great men and successful from among the farmers, workers or the poor vilage or city. People who have positive self-image has a zest for life and high morale. She has dreams goals and a clear picture about the future. He sure and optimistic what dicita citakannya it will achieved. He was not afraid of failure or ridicule people in trying something new.
He felt himself full of spirit, optimistic and confident in every done. He felt enviromental and all the people sided with him. He is not afraid to face many obstacles and barriers. He was sure of victory on his side. Positive body-image into a blueprint of life, the world as though submitted to him, success after success achieved over time. Problems and difficulties can never be beat. This is the type of world leaders and the people who achieve success in all areas of life in this world. Features of of people who have positive body-image, among others:
• Having a clear picture of future
• Optimistic through life
• Sure can overcome various problems faced
• Full of hope and believe can achieve a better life
• Immediately rose from the failure and does not dissolve in grief prolonged
• Nothing is impossible
• Confident
• Generally people who have self-image positive is often uttered the word as follows:
• We'll get over
• Do not be afraid .... Go on
• Try once again we must succeed
• We can not be weak and broken
• Nothing is impossible
• Don’t worry God is always together our
• God will help us

Forming body-image positively. Changing negative self-image into positive self-image is not easy work, it takes an effort of persistent and very real. Most of the people since childhoods has instilled in negative body-image into the minds subconscious. They are often heard saying: “Do not do that .... Would you fall ... .. then you are sick .... You stupid, stupid ... ... you haven’t talent for it .... You couldn’t have done ... ... you will not succeed ..” and other forth. Speech utterance negative often heard it settles in the mind subconscious form negative self-image. To form a positive self-image, first negative body-image should be removed from the minds subconscious, and then replaced with self-image positive new.
Planting thoughts just into the mind subconscious can not be done just like that. We can not force an idea into the minds subconsciously, he would refuse if we impose. The stronger we impose the more powerful he refused. The most effective way to enter the influence into the mind subconsciously depend on your ability to enter the alpha state. The more intelligent you are signed in the condition alpha more easily you will form a positive body-image of yourself. Entering alpha state could done with meditation, hypnotherapy or assistance sound music engender calm and comfortable (relaxed). Atmosphere and space environment also helps you to enter an alpha state. After you enter the alpha state, you can repeat the re-sentence a particular or pray to God to change the image of your self as:
• Don’t be afraid, do sad thou is person noble and honorable
• Don’t worry God will help you
• Achieve and get victory because you are the chosen of God for that
• God deliver us from humiliation, poverty, and poverty of life, open for us the door of sustenance from the sky and bumimu, opened for us the door of sustenance from all directions that you bless, opened for us the door of sustenance from the source of your wealth is unlimited.
• Oh God forgive us, cover the shame and ugliness we, raise the degree we are, give us bread, give us guidance and clue, give us health and strength, and forgive all our mistakes.

Have the positive body image is very important. Cause it can give spirit to way of life. We can became something base on our think. So, if we want to have a wonderful life so make a positively body image and don’t forget to get a self- steem with your self.

Debra L. Gimlin.(2002)Body Work: Beauty and Self Image in American Culture University of California Press.
Sherrington, C. S.(1906). The Integrated Action of the Nervous System. C Scribner's Sons,.
Potter, P.A & Perry, A.G.(2005). Fundamental Of Nrsing: Concepts, Process, and Practice. Eds 4. Jakarta: EGC
Anonim.(2009). “Body Image”. Diambil pada 4 Febuari 2010 jam 20.00 WIB dari

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